Additional Google Sync Settings (February '22 Release)

In the Winter ’21 Release, we introduced configuration tabs for certain publishers that allow users to customize their sync settings with that publisher. You can enable or disable the sync of certain fields and change the default Knowledge Graph field mapped for certain publisher fields.

In this monthly release, we’re updating the Google My Business Configuration tab to include:

  • Three additional fields that can have sync settings modified: category, address, and website.

    • Note: Categories and Address cannot be remapped to custom fields, but the sync of these fields to Google can be enabled or disabled.

  • Warnings in instances where changing a core field may void the verification status of a Listing.


  • A slightly different order of sync settings to make it easier for users to navigate.

For detailed steps on managing your configuration settings, see the Manage Publisher Configurations help article, or to learn more about the new Publishers sub-tab, see the Publishers Screen training unit.

To turn on this feature in your Production account, you can fill out this form here and select “Sync Settings Updates” from the list of features.