Analytics Implications of Changing a Vertical Name


I have a client with multiple Answers experiences, two of which both have a vertical called “Merger FAQs”. For added context, the set of FAQs that fall into that vertical are different for the two experiences and the vertical keys are different as well.

This is currently causing a bit of confusion in the analytics, as it looks like there is a duplicate vertical. Below is an example of this, showing what the client sees when they look to filter the Recent Searches section of the Answers Overview screen by vertical:
Dime Vertical Names Filter

I’m planning on renaming the second “Merger FAQs” vertical, at the bottom of the list in the screenshot, to distinguish between the two experiences. Before doing so, I wanted to double check about any potential analytics implications of changing the name of a vertical. A few things I’m wondering about:

  • Will this cause any historical data to be lost that was tied to the old vertical name?
  • Will data for this vertical be bifurcated, where historical data would still sit under the old vertical name while new data would sit under the new name?
  • Would this cause a new vertical name to be added to the filtering screen I shared an image of above and still leave the second “Merger FAQ” vertical, or would it simply change the name that appears in Analytics and maintain all of the data?

Thank you!