Answers - Final Challenge - Error adding items to the Jobs experience

Hi Alyssa,

For the FAQs page, page names are case sensitive. The instructions and grader are looking for faqs. You named the page FAQs. Page names are displayed in the URL, so we typically use lowercase letters for stylistic purposes. You can rename the page by hovering over the file in the Code Editor, clicking the three dots, and clicking rename. Make sure to rename both the config.json and pages.html.hbs files.

For the custom jobs card, step 18 asks to update the CTA1 URL to We want to change all the URLs to the given URL, however it looks like you left in the option for the application URL:
url: profile.applicationUrl || '',

You won’t need the first part of the OR operator here above.

Hope this helps! Please reach out if you’re still seeing issues.