Answers Module 13 Assessment Question

I’m stuck in a couple of places on this module, first being the community story card. Can you see in my code why I am not getting this card to display correctly? I’m stuck on the help article section as well but that may deserve a separate post. Thank you!

Hi Andrew,

When I inspect the Live Preview for your experience and check the console errors (you’ll learn about this in the Debugging module!), I see the error Formatter.joinlist is not a function.

This is surfacing because JavaScript is case sensitive and the formatter name is actually joinList with a capital L. You’ll notice this in the defining new cards unit, as well as if you search in the Code Editor console - joinList is what is used in the theme files.

Another note on this function - you’ll want to define a separator with a comma followed by a space like so ', '. Otherwise the default is just a comma.

There’s a separate console error on the Community Stories vertical search. The vertical limit is set to 750, when it only accepts values between 1 and 50.

In terms of the help articles vertical, you’re close! You’re just missing the label for the vertical.

It worked! Thank you, Kristy!