Collapsible Field Sections in Entity Edit (June '21 Release)

To provide even more customizability for your Knowledge Graph, we’re introducing the ability to Collapsible Field Sections on Entity Edit. This feature allows users to collapse field sections when viewing an entity page to temporarily hide the content under a whole section.

You can do this as a one-off on Entity Edit by clicking on the carrots next to the Section name.

Collapsing a Section will hide the fields in that section from appearing on Entity Edit until the Section is expanded.

In addition to doing this as a one-off from the Entity Edit page, you can also configure certain Sections to be collapsed or expanded by default for a given entity type. To do this hover over Knowledge Graph in the top navigation bar and click on the Configuration sub-tab. Click View Details next to the entity type you’d like to manage Field Sections for. Then click Edit Field Configuration.

You will see a Collapse by default toggle next to each section name. To collapse a Section for that entity type toggle this on for the desired Section. After doing this, the changes will be applied upon clicking Save.

In addition to updating the entity type’s field configuration in the platform, this is also configurable through Configuration as Code by updating the presentation resource.

To learn more, visit the Managing Field Sections training unit.