Customizing footer


I am trying to customize the footer of my page to match my client’s website by using inspect and editing the CSS but it is not working. Attached are screenshots of my client’s footer and my footer so far. I can’t figure out how to get the footer links “Privacy Policy” and “Contact Us” to the right and underneath the social media icons. Thank yoU!

Account link is

Hi Ella!

Great question. There seems to be two components that you want to change here - 1) adjust position properties for the Footer links to move them to right hand side and 2) adjust the social icons to also be on the left and stacked above the links.

For both of these, we can leverage the power of FlexBox. You can read more about FlexBox here (A Complete Guide to Flexbox | CSS-Tricks - CSS-Tricks), but we’ll review the basics you’ll need to accomplish this layout.

First, let’s take a look at the HTML layout of this footer section.

<div class="row align-items-center">
    <div class="col-md-8 footer-links d-flex flex-wrap">
        <a class="footer-link lp-param lp-param-link1Text lp-param-link1Url" href="" data-pages-analytics="clicktowebsite">Privacy Policy</a>
        <a class="footer-link lp-param lp-param-link2Text lp-param-link2Url" href="" data-pages-analytics="clicktowebsite">Contact Us</a>
    <div class="social-icons col-md-4 d-flex flex-wrap justify-content-md-end justify-content-center pt-sm-2 pt-2">
        <a href="" class="social-icon lp-param lp-param-facebook" data-pages-analytics="clicktowebsite"><img class="icon-img" src="" alt="facebook icon"></a>
        <a href="" class="social-icon lp-param lp-param-pinterest" data-pages-analytics="clicktowebsite"><img class="icon-img" src="" alt="pinterest icon"></a>
        <a href="//" class="social-icon lp-param lp-param-twitter" data-pages-analytics="clicktowebsite"><img class="icon-img" src="" alt="twitter icon"> </a>
        <a href="//" class="social-icon lp-param lp-param-instagram" data-pages-analytics="clicktowebsite"><img class="icon-img" src="" alt="instagram icon"></a>

In Flexbox, we use the parent elements (the containers) to control the position of child elements (the elements within the parent). Here, we have a few layers:

  • The container with classes row align-items-center that contains two divs - one containing the footer links, and one containing the social icons
  • Parent containers for the footer-links and social-icons, each containing several a tags within

The first step we’ll take is define how the two divs within the overarching parent container are positioned. The CSS to do this is below:

.align-items-center {
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: column-reverse;
    align-items: flex-end !important;

By adding the rule display: flex;, we’re noting that we’ll use the flexbox layout for this container & its immediate children.

flex-direction allows us to determine the order of the elements - we can choose between:

  • row (side-by-side, elements in the order they appear in the HTML)
  • column (stacked, elements in the order they appear in the HTML)
  • row-reverse (side-by-side, elements in the reverse order that they appear in the HTML)
  • column-reverse (stacked, elements in the reverse order that they appear in the HTML)

Here, because we want the links underneath the social icons, we’ll opt for column-reverse.

Lastly, we want the child items to align to the end of the container, so we’ll add align-items: flex-end;. The !important is needed in this case to override the Page Builder built-in CSS, but use this sparingly.

We’ll take a similar approach to stack the footer links on top of one another, using the below CSS.

.footer-links {
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: column;
    align-items: flex-end;

We’d also recommend ensuring you test across browsers for changes like these - you may want to tweak the mobile behavior further as well.

Let me know if you have any questions!

Is there an instagram feed plug in or widget that I could put on the pages?

Instagram (IG) does not provide a (Javascript) widget for embedding an IG feed onto pages. IG does provide an API, but unfortunately, it is not client-side (browser) friendly. Anecdotally, I have heard of some Yext Pages customers using 3rd party platforms like Olapic (see link below). The resulting JS (widget) could then be added to an ‘HTML Module’ within a PageBuilder template and thus allow you to display IG posts on the page. Developer Resources | Help Center | Social Native