Entity Previews in Configuration as Code (October '21 Release)

Entity Previews are now configurable via Config as Code, so that they can be configured with Apps or Solution Templates. The following fields can be viewed and configured in CaC:

  • id - The unique identifier for an entity preview.
  • displayName - The display name of an entity preview.
  • entityType - The entity type that the preview represents. Entity types can only have a single preview associated with it.
  • previewType - The type of entity preview. Note that the previewType property must be set to “ROW”. Previews set as previewType: “CARD” will be invalid at this time.
  • previewSettings - The settings for the preview. This is where the fields contained within the preview will be defined.
    • showEntityTypeName - A boolean value that determines if we show the Entity Type’s name in the preview.
    • showEntityTypeSymbol - A boolean value that determines if we show the Entity Type’s icon in the preview.
    • fieldSettingsList - The list of fields that will appear within the preview. More detail on this object can be found in the documentation.

To learn more about the entity previews in CaC, view the documentation. To learn more about Configuration as Code visit the Configuration as Code training module.

This feature was automatically added to Production accounts, so can start using it today!

Does this now support Partners applying a preview format across all their accounts existing and new?

Does this work for those using Partner Portal and/or Enhanced Dashboards?

Is it also possible now to use CaC to define which fields are collapsed or expanded by default in the KG. Partners are looking to be able to apply this set up once for all their accounts?