Error in 13th module of answer

Hi team,
Doing everything correctly when checking console not getting any error but still getting this while submitting-

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Hi Sneha,

In your card, you have the below:

subtitle: 'Inpartnershipwith :' + Formatter.joinlist(profile.c_localNonProfits,","),

Please add spaces for readability - it should look like the below.

subtitle: 'In partnership with: ' + Formatter.joinlist(profile.c_localNonProfits,","),

Let me know if this helps!

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It is still showing same error.

Hi Sneha,

I’m not seeing any committed changes in your repo since my last post, and your card looks to be the same. Have you committed the updates described above?

After applying changes i m trying to commit but it is saying “an unexpected error occur” due to which i m not able to commit.

Hi Sneha - are you logged into the current challenge account? You can refresh your page to confirm and make the changes again to commit.

It’s done thankyou.

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