A good Admin is always looking to improve the quality of their search results. To help you do that, we created Experience Training. Experience Training allows admins to train the Answers Algorithm by providing it feedback on its predictions. With your input on a specific search term, you can fix that query instantly and help Answers improve the relevancy of results over time.
Proactive Admins can now navigate to their Experience Training section of the platform to review a list of dynamically-generated queries. For example, if they notice that the query “Who is Yext’s Founder?” would return the incorrect featured snippet: “John Smith,” they would click “reject” to tell the Algorithm not to return this snippet for this query. This feedback immediately fixes the problem, ensuring that this featured snippet won’t show up anymore, and it also trains the algorithm to better handle similar examples going forward.
In the Spring Release, Experience Training will be available for Featured Snippets, and soon will be available for NLP filters, spell checking, and more.