πŸ—“ February 2, 2021: Hitchhikers Office Hours

Add questions or topics below that you would like to have answered or discussed during this office hours session!

Updating URL structures would be great to cover!

Thanks everyone for joining today! Here is a link to the community post that outlines how to add a custom formatter to your Jambo site (scroll to the recent replies). Feel free to try this out yourself in your Answers site!

Topics from today:

  1. Introducing Streaks to Hitchhikers Platform
  2. Custom Formatters Process
  3. Query Rules Criteria - Using Regex to set multiple criteria in one query rule with OR operators
    Query Rules Criteria Module
    Additional RegEx resources: https://regexone.com/ and https://regex101.com/
  4. Sorting by Date Added

Here is the recording from today’s Office Hours: