Fix FIlter and Footer Collision (Spring '22 Release)

Previously, when filters extended past the height of the results, the bottom of the filters container was cut off and not accessible. We have fixed this issue by updating the page layout. This only applies to the vertical-standard and vertical-grid page layouts.

Note: This is a breaking change - all upgrades to Theme 1.29 or later must follow the upgrade implication instructions below.

Upgrade Implications:

Note: This theme version includes breaking changes. Be sure to follow the upgrade implications in the breaking changes post.

:spiral_calendar: This feature is available in Early Access in English on the branch early-access-spring-22. Here’s how to use the Early Access branches of the Theme and SDK!

Every vertical pages.html.hbs file in your experience that uses either the vertical-standard or vertical-grid template must be refreshed if you upgrade to theme 1.29 or later. You can do this with one of the following approaches:

  1. Replace all the content in each vertical pages.html.hbs file with the content from the theme file (find this at themes/answers-hitchhiker-theme/templates/[page-template]/page.html.hbs). Then comment in any previously commented in filters, sorting, etc. that you would like to use. (Recommended)
  2. Recreate each vertical page using the Jambo Command “Add Vertical”. This approach is recommended.
  3. Update the page layout manually in each vertical pages.html.hbs file. Since this change affects a major portion of the files, only use this approach if you know what you are doing.

[page-template] refers to the page template used by each vertical. This would be vertical-standard or vertical-grid. Note this change does not apply to either map page template.

Option #1 (replacing content with content from the theme) is the recommended approach as it is less time consuming than option #2 and less error prone than option #3. However, if you have a highly customized vertical, you may want to make the updates manually with option #3. To do so, follow the breaking changes post which consolidates both of the breaking changes from this release.