How to check Conversion Tracking tag-based dynamic values?

Hi Team -

I am using tag-based conversion tracking for Answers for my Online Orders (all of which should have different $$ values). We’re using GTM. I am noticing that my first two conversions has the default value I have set in Yext of $16 rather than the custom amount. Is there a way to QA or check that the values will be pulling in through the tag? How do I know when and why the default happens?


Hi team,

Following up on the above post, I am assisting a client implement tag tracking and we are struggling to define the correct variable.

Does anyone have experience using tag variables and know what variable we should define to capture the order value? We currently have a tag firing but not picking up the variable value (and instead using our default value).

Hi Henry,

What method are you currently using to retrieve the order value? One way you can retrieve a dynamic conversion value is by using GTM’s data layer variable feature. You can create a data layer variable with the following steps:

  1. Create a DataLayer on your Website:
    On your website, create a data layer using dataLayer = []. Then use dataLayer.push() and getElementbyId() to retrieve the $ value and store it in the data layer. Based on your screenshot, I can’t identify the elementId of the value element, but the developer would know best on where to find this.
dataLayer = [];
dataLayer.push({'variableName': document.getElementbyId("elementIdName").value});
  1. Create a Data Layer Variable in GTM:
    i. In Google Tag Manager, click the Variables tab.
    ii. Then click New on the User-Defined Variables tile.

    iii. Click the Variable Configuration tile and select Data Layer Variable.
    iv. Enter the variable name you have defined in your data layer. In the example script above I used variableName

  2. Set your Conversion Value to your Variable:
    Lastly, go to your Yext Conversion Tag configuration, and select your the data layer variable you just created in the Conversion Value field.

Hi @alyssa! To my knowledge, the default value would only be used in cases where no dynamic value is detected on the Conversion Tag which is often due to an incorrect dynamic value configuration. I know this was quite some time ago, but you’re still interested in QAing, happy to take a look at what you have set up in GTM.