Is it possible to make Entity ID a Searchable Field in Answers?


I am building an Answers experience for a brand that wants to include television models. They’ve wisely selected to use their unique model numbers as their Yext entity IDs.

They want users to be able to search by model number. However, I noticed that I can’t set Entity ID as a searchable field. Is this intended behavior?

As a workaround, I’ve created a custom field, made it searchable and embedded the Entity ID. This works just as fine. However, if Entity ID were searchable I could skip that step.


Many thanks for letting me know,

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Hey Max,

Currently you are not able to set Entity ID as a searchable field as this is meant to be more of an internal identifier. However, this is a great use case for making Entity ID searchable and we’ll pass the feedback along to our Product team. The setup you have with embedding Entity ID in a custom field is a good workaround.
