JS Version 1.5.3 Release

We’ve released a patch to version 1.5!

Bug Fixes :bug:

  1. Back button Fixes: Previously, users would get “stuck” after entering a page with facets, and need to hit back multiple times. When loading a page with facets, a history state is only pushed on a change to the facets. We also added replaceHistory as onStateChange param to support the backbuttons in the iframe integration.
  2. Respect back navigation with empty search. When a user navigates back in browser history to a page without a query, the original state is preserved. That is, the results are hidden and no query is conducted.
  3. Alternative Verticals on No Results: When a user calls ANSWERS.setContext , the universal results link in the AlternativeVerticals component (No Results) is updated to reflected the new context.

Additional details can be found on Github here.

HI Rose,

This is great! Thanks for working to fix. For the first one, can you elaborate on what changes and where we would need to add to an experience that is iframed with facets? It is on v1.5.3 so would we need to add replaceHistory?


Hi Alyssa! Assuming you’re not overriding the theme (specifically the core.hbs, iframe-common.js, or layouts.html), you’ll just need to upgrade your JS version and upgrade your theme to v1.10.2 or later.