JS Versions 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5 Patch Releases

Last week (on August 26th), we released patches 1.3.5, 1.4.5 and 1.5.4 of the JS Lib.

SearchBar Template

  • We made a fix to the SearchBar 's template to ensure the component could be used on a site whose Content Security Policy disallows unsafe-eval (v1.3.5, v1.4.6, v1.5.4)

Back Button & Browser History

  • Fixed a bug that was pushing a state into the browser history for each Facet on page load. Instead, we correctly replace browser history on load. (v1.3.5, v1.4.6)
  • Fixed a bug wherein previous results were still displayed if you navigated back to an empty query. (v1.3.5, v1.4.6)
  • We now pass a replaceHistory parameter to onStateChange callbacks. These callbacks will still be passed the contents of persistentStorage too. This new parameter is needed to indicate if the history state was pushed or replaced when persistentStorage was updated. (v1.3.5, v1.4.6)

More information can be found in the Github release notes.