Pages : Adding HTML Modules (PGS120) / Module Assessment

Hello There,

I need your for this part!

Write HTML to create the Delivery Disclaimer.

I have


<a href =>All issues with orders placed via 3rd party apps should be resolved through that vendor.</a>


and it looks fine in the review but still not passing…
Can you tell me what I am missing?

Thank you!

Hi Kotoko,

Could you remove the extra div tags and the spaces between href, the = and the url? It should look like the below (replacing URL and Label with the appropriate values).

<a href="{url}">{Label}</a>

I passed!
Thank you for your great help!


I am having the same issue. Looks right in the preview. I have:

All issues with orders placed by 3rd party apps should be resolved through that vendor.

Hi @Jim_Sherman - it looks like your code is formatting as HTML, could you send through a screenshot of what you’re trying to add?