Pages - Module 6 Assessment - Navigation Bar Module

Hi, I’m getting an error that the Nav Bar Module was not updated. Can you let me know if I am missing something, or if there is a bug.

Additional screen shot with grade:

Hey Jillian, can you include the business ID of the challenge account you’re using? This will help us look into the specific challenge account where you’re seeing this. Thanks!

Here you go: 3155640


You didn’t make any changes to the URLs, correct? Just the labels (for Restaurants, Careers, Events, etc.)?

I didn’t the first time I submitted the challenge, but made some changes to see if that was the issue but its back to how it was initially when the sandbox was created.

Gotcha, I think I see what’s going on here. Double check some of your labels again - it looks like you have a line break/hit Enter below some of them and this would cause them to error out. Sometimes this happens when copy-pasting directly from the text.

When you click into edit the label you shouldn’t be able to put your cursor below the text like this. Delete that extra space and you should be good to go!

Screen Shot 2022-05-04 at 17.04.01