Search Tracker - Updating Competitors

Hi team! Search Tracker question for you - a client uses these metrics quite often, but they would like to do a refresh of their competitors.

  • What happens with the historical data? Should we export from Yext to save this?
  • What happens to metrics like overall Share of Intelligent Search if the competitors are updated? i.e. do we expect a dip in this metric for the first few weeks while the new competitors are getting set-up? How do we account for a change in reporting?

@Kim_Dunbar Good questions!

What happens with the historical data? Should we export from Yext to save this?

Historical data will remain the same using the competitors that were set at the time we ran the scan.

What happens to metrics like overall Share of Intelligent Search if the competitors are updated? i.e. do we expect a dip in this metric for the first few weeks while the new competitors are getting set-up? How do we account for a change in reporting?

Share of Intelligent Search will be unaffected as the way this metric works is it calculates your Share of Search based on the keywords you’ve selected regardless of who your Competitors are.

In addition, based on the Competitors you select we’ll also show you their Share of Intelligent Search meaning so going forward any future scans will return Share of Intelligent Search for these new Competitors and not the old Competitors you’re looking to replace.

Hope this answers your questions!


Amazing - thanks so much @Michael_Peralta !