Our Answers Experience is being updated to support some EMEA locales - FR/UK/DE and I noticed an issue with our filters.
Our Primary Language Profile is English(US) and our FAQs vertical uses a Filter that is set to only use FAQ Entities that have content in the answer and an “Active on Answers” Field set to “Yes”.
This works great for the English(US), however most of the FAQs are still in the middle of being translated so they have multi-language profiles but the answer is empty. The FAQs are still coming through the filter and this is causing the FAQs on FR/DE/UK to look broken or empty.
Can I either:
- Create a Filter that targets fields in alternative language profiles or
- Make sure the current filter is relative to the target language profile?
(A quick solution may be able to avoid adding the language profile in this case but not being able to target language profile in filters is going to become a larger issue further on so I’d like to address it now)