Solution Templates and the Admin Console | Module 3 Assessment

Hi @Hannah_Baurer!

It looks like you need to go through Step 23:

You should see an error returned because the system is trying to add the field you just deleted (c_relatedFAQs) to the Restaurant and Job entity types. Navigate to the files and delete the field from the field array.

If you navigate to your km > entity-type-extension/job.json and km > entity-type-extension/restaurant.json files, you can delete the ids referencing the field c_relatedFAQs you deleted.

Additionally, it looks like the Event Disclaimer field wasn’t created properly, since I’m not seeing under your km > field json files. (You also won’t see it under your Configuration > Fields tab.) I would try going through the challenge starting from step 6!

  1. Click Add Resources button to add a new field for Event Disclaimer.
  • Select “Knowledge Manager”
  • Select field
  • Enter the resource name as c_eventDisclaimer (this follows the default resource naming pattern of using the API name)
  • Click Create – the system will add a file template for the field resource type

Let us know if you have any follow-up questions!
