Users: User History (June '22 Release)

We’ve added a table to show the history of updates to users within an account!

When a user is created, deleted, or their information is updated (e.g., email change, user role added), the User History screen will surface this information. Within the table, you will be able to see relevant information pertaining to user updates including the timestamp, event type, and more.

To get to this screen, navigate to Account Details > Account Settings > User History.

To learn more about User History, visit the Users training module.

Turn on the Summer ‘22: User History UI (early access) account feature to use this feature during the Early Access period. This feature will automatically be turned on for all accounts at General Availability for the Summer '22 Release.

Hi @Micaela_Luders - I’m logged into Hitchhiker Challenge Account but unable to see this feature. I also tried going to Account Settings → Account Features but couldn’t find it. Could you please help me out?

Hi @Micaela_Luders - Would love to get your help here :smiley:

Hi @Yashr_Sodha - sorry to hear you kept having an issue with the User History screen. Looks like there was an issue with this in challenge accounts. It is now resolved and you should be able to see it in Account Settings, but let me know if you still can’t see it!