Request to Turn on Monthly Release Features
Fill out this form to enable new release features in your live Yext Production account. Please note, that you will only be able to turn on features if you are a current Yext user with Account Manager or Full Control permissions in your account.
Brand Name*
Business ID*Must be numeric
You can find your business ID in the URL of your Yext Account ([businessID]/), or on your Personal Settings Page.
Yext Email*
Feature to Turn on*
Indicate the features you would like to have enabled in your Production account.
*Required field
Please fill out all required fields.

Thanks for reaching out! We’re happy to see that you’re just as excited for our new features as we are. Someone will review your request shortly to ensure that you have the appropriate user permissions to turn this on for your account. In the meantime, you can brush up on best practices for using our new features in the Community .

A copy of your submission is below.