Add Reviews JPG to card

Hi everyone,

I’m attempting to arrange the Review image under the company photo.

I added a field reference to include in DataforRender and added handlebars to the card. I was able to get the image to render inline, but unsure how to shift the image to be underneath the current image and add in a link to the trustpilot review page.

The image also only appears on Universal search, but does not appear on Vertical search at the moment.


Hey Coleen,

There are a few different ways to vertically align two children of a parent div, but my suggestion would be to take advantage of Flexbox which allows for simple and responsive layouts. For example, on the parent div which contains the two images, set:

display: flex;
flex-direction: column

This will arrange the images, which are children of this parent div, vertically within the parent container!

Then, to add a link to the image and make it clickable, you can wrap your img tag in an a tag:


<img src={imageUrl}>


<a href={trustPilotReviewPageLink}>
 <img src={imageUrl}>

Now you should be able to click the image and it will redirect to whatever you set as the desired URL in the href attribute of the a tag.
