Answers - CTA Underline Hover Color not updating

Hey Team!

I have a CSS question that I imagine will be pretty easy for someone to resolve - but I can’t figure it out :sweat:.

I updated the color of CTAs in my experience, but I can’t get the underline color upon hover to update as well.

This is the code I’ve been playing around with that does not seem to work:

.HitchhikerCTA-iconLabel {
    color: #006FF0;
       color: #006FF0; 

Any help would be much appreciated!

Hi Jessie,

Great question. You would do so with the property of text-decoration-color

Your updated code would look like this:

.HitchhikerCTA {
    color: #006FF0;
       color: #006FF0;
       text-decoration-color: #006FF0; 

Let me know if that works and if you have any questions on that property.


Awesome! Thanks Alyssa - that worked :slight_smile: