Answers - Exporting Synonyms

Hey team,

Just want to give a quick PSA on how to export synonyms from the platform into a user-friendly (spreadsheet) format. Not sure if anyone’s ever gotten this request before, but it doesn’t need to be as difficult as it might sound. You can use this JSON to CSV converter online and it’s very simple, you just copy and paste the JSON and follow the directions to convert. Note that you may want to copy and paste one-way synonyms and synonym sets one at a time or in different windows because of the way they’re formatted in the JSON. Once you’ve made the conversion, you can just download the file and do some easy Excel work to manipulate the data in the way you want, but the converter saves SO much time. Its use cases aren’t just limited to exporting synonyms either, it might come in handy with converting client data to an acceptable format that can be uploaded into the platform as well.
