Answers Final Challenge - Error in updating the locale configuration

I am not sure what I’m missing here. I’ve updated the experienceKey with “jobs_answers”. Thanks in advance for helping!

Hi Rien,

I took a look at your repo and noticed that you don’t have a locale_config in the top level. The file that you’ve updated is in the Theme and you don’t want to modify any files that are in the theme directory directly.

Please make sure that you have that locale_config.json file but in the config/ directory.


Thanks Liz! I looked back on Unit 2 for “Global Settings and Locale Configuration” and it has a note that before the Fall 20 release you would update the experienceKey and the Locale in the global_config.json file. I have that file in my repo and I’ve updated my experience key, but I still get the grading error.

I didn’t see any instructions in this unit on how to add the locale_config.json. Could you provide some guidance on how I can do that?

Screenshot of the global_config.json file

Great catch! We have fixed that.

In the meantime, if you started the Final Challenge before 11/6/20, you should add the locale_config.json file manually OR you can continue to use the global_config.json file to define your experienceKey and locale. If you started the challenge after this date, the locale_config.json file should be in your config/ directory when you create the repo.

To add the file manually, here are the steps:

  1. Navigate to the code editor and master branch
  2. Hover over the “config” directory and click the dots to expose the option to “Add File”. Click “Add File”.
  3. Name the file “locale_config.json” (make sure to include the .json extension)
  4. Click “Add File”
  5. Navigate to and open the themes/answers-hitchhiker-theme/locale_config.json file.
  6. Copy the contents of the file.
  7. Open the new locale_config.json file you created in the config/ directory. It should be empty.
  8. Paste the content into the file.
  9. Update the locale and experienceKey properties
  10. Optionally, remove those properties from the global_config.json file (recommended that you do this but it will not technically break your site or build).