Answers > Module 13 > Assessment: Update the Community Stories JSON page Failure

Hi there!

I am at a complete loss on the Answers Module 13 module. I have one last error left to correct and I’ve triple checked spelling and spacing. Any ideas on what I’m doing wrong here?

Hi Eleanora,

Looks like you’re super close! I think the issue is coming from the file name. You have it named Community Story Search.json and the instructions are looking for communitystories.json (step 6). To change it, you can hover over this file, click the three dot menu, and click “Rename”. Make sure to rename both the config > .json file and the pages > .html.hbs file as these should match.

For context, the file names here are used in the URL of the Answers experience when on the vertical search, as below. We recommend being descriptive, but concise and omitting spaces, which are transformed to “%20” in this case.

Thank you so much! I Appreciate the help!