Answers Module 4 Assessment - Error

Continuing the discussion from Answers module 4 assessment:

I’m having a similar issue when trying to include the JSON below:
“synonyms”: {
“oneWay”: [
“phrase”: “location”,
“synonyms”: [

Hi Lindsay,

Could you take a screenshot of what you’re putting into the code editor? It’ll help us debug the errors you’re seeing!

Hello. I too am having an issue with Module 4. It states that I have no completed a task when i go to submit. Specifically it is indicated that I have no completed the delivery hours custom field. I have completed it and everything is spelled correctly. When attempted to do it again it indicates that the filed already exists. Looking for assistance I greatly appreciate it!

Hi Adam, and welcome to the community!

This thread is actually pertaining to Module 4 of the Answers tracking, not module 4 of the Knowledge Graph track. As a best practice, we want to keep threads to a single topics, In the future we recommend you create new topics for any new modules you have questions about.

That said, it does look like you have completed everything correctly in your account. Could you try resubmitting the challenge, and let me know if that works, or what error message you see once you do that?

Hell and thank you for your help. This is actually for the Introduction and Products Section. Here is what I am seeing

Thanks again for your guidance!

Thanks for sending this info! It looks like you added an additional setting to your Delivery Hours custom field to make it a list.

You can’t adjust custom field settings after the field has been created, so I recommend deleting this custom field, and creating a new one. But just select Hours as the Field Specification and click Save (and leave everything else as is).


Thanks for your help and patience. I have attempted to do that previously and it will not allow me to rename the field delivery hours. I delete delivery hours, it gives me the message that I will lose all info attached to the field. I select OK. I then go to create a new first and it forces me to call it delivery hours1 as seen below.

Hi Adam, would you be able to send over a link to your account?

I want to make sure that I am looking at the right account to help you troubleshoot, and identify the issue. From what I can see, your challenge accounts all seem to still have the ‘Delivery Hours’ field so I want to make sure that the deletion was successful.