Answers > Module 4 > Unit 1 Quiz


I’m having trouble finding the correct answer to the Quiz in Answers > Module 4 > Unit 1

Question 2 of 2

Which objects within “verticals” are included in the default configuration? (Select all that apply)

  • entityTypes
  • savedSearchId
  • name
  • searchableFields

I cannot find the information in the unit to answer the question, and I’ve read through it several times. Either the information is elsewhere (although surely the information is meant to be on the unit the quiz is about?) or I am missing something obvious. Hopefully it is just me being silly!

Any help would be appreciated,

Solved it by randomly testing out the answer options. Apparently all options are true, but I also wasn’t able to find the answer by reading the text.

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Hi Michael and Dominique –

Thanks so much for this information and apologies you had trouble with this question. We hear your feedback and we will work to modify this quiz question accordingly.


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