Answers module 7 Module Assessment

Hi there, I have completed the Answers module 7 assessment but when I submit it, it is not recognising the synonym set I have created. The saving of the synonym set worked and test search for food joint works. Just when I submit it doesn’t recognise it. Any ideas? Here is a screenshot to show the set and search.

Hi @Laura_Gibbons,

I have just redone the challenge and can confirm there’s no bug.
Want to compare settings?

This is how my configuration looks in the UI:

The one difference I see is your spelling of “location” and “restaurant” with a capital “L”, resp. “R”.

And this is the corresponding JSON snippet (check in JSON Editor):

  "sortBys": [],
  "synonyms": {
"oneWay": [
    "phrase": "nest",
    "synonyms": [
"synonymSet": [
    "food joint",
    "taco shop",
  "localizations": {},
  "additionalSearchablePlaces": [],
  "querySuggestions": {

Hope this helps.
Best, Stefan

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Thanks Stefan, I will do again without the capitals.

I did the first part of the challenge (without submitting) then came back to it a couple of hours later. Not sure if this has caused a reason that the second part is not being recognised. I re-opened the link from the module assessment page and it opened with the first steps complete so looked fine to continue.

Kind regards,


Hi Stefan,

I tried again without the capitals letters for Location and Restaurant and it recognised the task. Strange though that it didn’t recognise them with the capitals because it saved successfully & the Test Search feature worked accurately with the capitals.

Kind regards,
