Changing the default order vertical tabs in universal search

Hi Team,

My client would like to change the default order of the vertical tabs that appear underneath the search bar. They’re okay with the order being dependent on the algorithm when the user has entered in a query, but they’d like to customize the default order that appears when the user has not entered in a query yet. Is this possible to set up for them?

Thank you in advance!


Hey @Pat_Huang this is not something that is currently customizable in your Jambo repo. The search user should always land at the result page after entering a query such that there is not likely a scenario where she is in the default empty state. From there, as you mentioned, the tabs will order based on relevance.

Did the brand explain why it wants to customize the order? Are they aiming to increase traffic to a specific vertical?

Thanks for the note and explanation @Sam_Torres. The client broadly mentioned that it’s very important for them to have control over the order shown when there is no user query, but I’ll let them know that the user should always land at the result page after entering a query.

One specific use case discussed is that they plan to have 4 separate verticals that draw from the same Product entity type. With the tabs sorted alphabetically, they’re concerned that the product-verticals will not be grouped/sorted together.

Thanks for the additional color here! We will make sure to pass this feedback to the Product Management team as a client feature request.

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Hi Pat -

I wanted to circle back here. We have a new feature Default Initial Search on Universal Search which will allow you to set pinned results on universal search. This will reorder the tabs based on the pinned results.

Let us know if that is a helpful solution for you or if you have any questions.
