Clicking into the Links vertical with an empty search results in infinite reload

Clicking into the ‘Links’ vertical without a search query is causing an infinite loading icon and a console error saying ‘data cannot be of type undefined’.

Any ideas on how to fix this?


Hey Daniel,

Third party verticals like the Links backend do not support empty searches, which is why you see an infinite loading icon. Empty searches on verticals powered by the Knowledge Graph will return all results in that vertical. However, the Links vertical is an index of a certain website, rather than a finite number of entities. The backend doesn’t know what the user is searching for and won’t have any results for a blank search.

Additionally, the Links vertical is meant to serve as a fallback option in case there are not Knowledge Graph results for a particular search, so users should really just be using the Links vertical with non-blank search terms.

To fix this, set allowEmptySearch: false for the Links vertical.

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