Connector entity type is not available for business error

Frequently when building custom entity types for json pull connectors there is an error on save that says “Connector entity type is not available for the business”. The configuration of the connector is successful all the way up to save & run and then the error is shown. The entity appears valid as I can configure the mapping of fields after the data pull.

Hello @Jon_Keto

Can you please confirm if the data you are trying to load in KG is for the same “Entity Type” or for different ones?
Also, have you checked the “Entity type” to confirm if it is already created in KG for what you are trying to upload the data?

There is only custom entity type called Drupa Search Results in the testing area. Not reusing built in types.

Thank you for sharing the information Jon. Custom entity type should not be an issue if the entity type is already created in the platform. I believe there is not any spelling error or different spelling has not been used in process which can be the cause of any error.
However, if everything is correct then for looking into further, may require further information to share like the process/steps/video of how you are going through with connector creation.

See the screenshots, they are ordered by time for looking at entity and then trying to build connector with it.

(Attachment is missing)

Hello @Jon_Keto,
I couldn’t find any attachment with the message. Can you please check to confirm Or send it again please.