Effective name of Custom Field for search

Hi Team,

Does name (and translation) of Custom Fields affect search quality?

If we assign good name (and Japanese translation) to a custom field for explaining its content, search quality will be improved? For example, “Color” custom field contains color name vs. “Attribute1” custom field contains color name.
(BTW, Japanese translation of the custom field affect search quality?)

And also, if type of custom field is Entity Link, how many level can we search?

eg. Product → Product → Product → Product (Product standard entity type has “Parent Product” entity link)

Thank you,

Hey Yukio,

Good question. Currently, the only time that we consider a field’s name is when the algorithm is searching for field value direct answers. So in your example, if you wanted to surface a direct answer for a query like what color are the nike air maxes, you would need to name the field color so that the algorithm understands what it is. And yes, since you are searching in Japanese, you’ll need to add a translation for this field name (assuming it’s a custom field - built-in fields have built-in translations). The algorithm looks up the field name translations of whatever language it’s searching in.

Regarding your second question, currently we only search one level of depth - so we can only search from Product → Product. But in the summer release, we will be expanding this so you can search several levels deep!

Hope this helps.