Field Eligibility Groups for Entity Types (Winter '21 Release)

We generated a new model to determine which fields are associated with each entity type — field eligibility groups. A field eligibility group is a resource in Configuration as Code that represents an ordered collection of fields that are made available to a select entity type.

Apps can now apply multiple field eligibility groups to an entity type from different namespaces, without impacting the existing fields of the entity type. This allows app developers to install new fields to pre-existing entity types in accounts with an app.

Below is an example Field Eligibility group resource in Configuration as Code:

  "$id": "namespace_sampleFieldEligibilityGroup",
  "$schema": "",
  "name": "Sample Field Eligibility Group"
  "entityType": "foo_entityType",
  "fields": [
  "requiredFields": [
  "description": "This is an example field eligibility group."

For more details on the Field Eligibility group resource, visit our Configuration as Code documentation.

Note: This update will be made by the General Availability release, and more details will be made available as that approaches on any necessary changes you may need to make.

By new fields does this mean newly created custom and/or new pre-built fields or could this be used to define all the fields that should sit within a specific entity type?

One of the use cases we are trying to solve for partners is for them to define the fields relevant to their entities, normally locations, and then to apply these automatically to each new entity of the same type. This would need to work for those using Partner Portal and/or Enhanced Dashboards.