Help with Search Frontend Theme Module 3

Hi Team,

I continue to get this error on this assessment:

*** Make facets searchable for the Restaurants vertical**

This is my code:
“verticalKey”: “restaurants”, // The vertical key from your search configuration
“pageTitle”: “Restaurant Search”, // !!!REPLACE THIS VALUE!!! The contents of the title tag and meta open graph tag for title
// “metaDescription”: “”, // The meta tag for open graph description
// “canonicalUrl”: “”, // The link tag for canonical URL as well as the meta tag for open graph url
// “keywords”: “”, // The meta tag for keywords
“pageSettings”: {
“search”: {
“verticalKey”: “restaurants”, // The vertical key from your search configuration
“defaultInitialSearch”: “” // Enter a default search term
“componentSettings”: {
“QASubmission”: {
“entityId”: “”, // Set the ID of the entity to use for Q&A submissions, must be of entity type “Organization”
“privacyPolicyUrl”: “” // The fully qualified URL to the privacy policy
“Facets”: {
“title”: “”, // The title to display above the facets
“expand”: false, // Allow the user to expand and collapse the facets
“showMore”: true, // Display a link to see more facet options within a facet
“showMoreLimit”: 3,
“searchOnChange”: true // Will automatically run a search as facets are selected or unselected. Set to false to only trigger updates with an Apply button.
// Additional options are available in the documentation
“fields”: {
“c_restaurantFeatures”: {
“searchable”: true,
“searchLabelText”: “Search for our features”,
“placeholderText”: “Search”
“FilterLink”: {
“changeFiltersText”: “filters”, // Text that displays by default
“resetFiltersText”: “reset filters”, // Text when filters are applied
“clearSearchText”: “clear search” // Text when there are no results, conducts an empty search
“AppliedFilters”: {
“removable”: true
“VerticalResults”: {
“noResults”: {
“displayAllResults”: true // Optional, whether to display all results in the vertical when no results are found.
“hideResultsHeader”: true
“SearchBar”: {
“placeholderText”: “Search”, // The placeholder text in the answers search bar
“allowEmptySearch”: true // Allows users to submit an empty search in the searchbar
“Pagination”: {
“noResults”: {
“visible”: true
// Configuration used to define the look and feel of the vertical, both on this page and, by default,
// on the universal page.
“verticalsToConfig”: {
“restaurants”: { // The vertical key from your search configuration
// “label”: “”, // The name of the vertical in the section header and the navigation bar
// “verticalLimit”: 15, // The result count limit for vertical search
// “universalLimit”: 5, // The result count limit for universal search
“cardType”: “location-standard”, // The name of the card to use - e.g. accordion, location, customcard
// “icon”: “pin”, // The icon to use on the card for this vertical
“mapConfig”: {
//“enablePinClustering”: true, // Cluster pins on the map that are close together. Defaults false
“mapProvider”: “MapBox”, // The name of the provider (e.g. Mapbox, Google)
“noResults”: {
“displayAllResults”: false // Set to FALSE to hide results on the map when a search returns no results
“pin”: {
“default”: { // The pin in its normal state
“backgroundColor”: “#5387d7”, // Enter a hex value or color for the pin background
“strokeColor”: “#2a446b”,
“labelColor”: “white”
“hovered”: { // The pin when it is hovered
“backgroundColor”: “#2f4d71”,
“strokeColor”: “#172638”,
“labelColor”: “white”
“selected”: { // The pin when it is selected by mouse click or through a card click
“backgroundColor”: “#2f4d71”,
“strokeColor”: “#172638”,
“labelColor”: “white”
“universalSectionTemplate”: “standard”

I redid the assessment, but I am still unable to get this right and continue to get an error, could you provide some feedback please?

ID: 3254617

Thank you in advance,

Hi @Leslie_Chico,

To make facets searchable, you need to use the following from step 5 of the challenge instructions:

  • Make just the c_restaurantFeatures field searchable by adding this in your Facets object:
"fields": {
  "c_restaurantFeatures": {
    "searchable": true,
    "searchLabelText": "Search for our features",
    "placeholderText": "Search"       

From the code you pasted, the facets object should look something like this:

    "Facets": {
      "title": "", // The title to display above the facets
      "expand": false, // Allow the user to expand and collapse the facets
      "showMore": true, // Display a link to see more facet options within a facet
      "searchOnChange": true, // Will automatically run a search as facets are selected or unselected. Set to false to only trigger updates with an Apply button. 
      // Additional options are available in the documentation
      "showMoreLimit": 3,
      "fields": {
        "c_restaurantFeatures": {
          "searchable": true,
          "searchLabelText": "Search for our features",
          "placeholderText": "Search"       

Let me know if this helps!

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Hi Micaela,

It worked, thank you so much!