How to copy page module to a different page template

I am building a new page template and have page modules in an existing template which is a static page. Is there a way to copy the page module from the static page to the new page template?

For context, there is header and footer already built in a static page. Copying the module over to the new template would be a time saver rather than building the header/ footer from scratch.

Hi Prathija! Welcome to the Hitchhikers community!

Great question! You can copy a page template to any other site in your account.

You can find the option in the top right dropdown next to “Activate”:

From there, you will find a screen where you can name your new template and choose which site you’d like to copy it to:

You can rearrange and edit your modules within the new site’s page builder.

Let us know if you have any questions about this!


Thank you! To clarify, we can’t copy specific modules only the whole template?

Hi Prathija,

As of now, you can only copy over the entire template to another site and then edit/remove/add modules from there.

Let us know if you have any more questions!

Many thanks,

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