How to use rich text answer field on pages?

I’d like to use the answerV2 field from the FAQ entity type on a page, but when it comes through the stream this is what I get
answerV2: { json: { root: [Object] } },
question: ‘How can I diversify my investment portfolio?’

when I look further into the JSON object it shows:

json: {
root: {
children: [Array],
direction: ‘ltr’,
format: ‘’,
indent: 0,
type: ‘root’,
version: 1
What do I need to add to render the actual text from this field?

Hi Michael,

You will need to use the LexicalRichText component, from our react-components library.

Usage below:

npm install:

npm i @yext/react-components

Component import:

import { LexicalRichText } from "@yext/react-components";

Component Usage:

<LexicalRichText serializedAST={JSON.stringify(c_[REPLACE ME WITH FIELD NAME].json)} />

Props interface below:

Prop Type Details
serializedAST string A JSON-serialized Lexical Dev AST.
nodeClassNames? EditorThemeClasses CSS Class names for the various Lexical Node types. Refer to Lexical theming documentation.

For more information on rendering rich text and markdown, check out this reference doc: