I am getting a 404 page and the following error when clicking "/search" after "npm run dev" in module 1 unit 4 of search ui react

ERROR: No entities found with slug “%2Fsearch”

Unable to generate test data from command: yext pages generate-test-data --printDocuments --featuresConfig '{"features":[],"streams":[]}' --slug %2FsearchCannot find document corresponding to slug: %2Fsearch

Code is here: GitHub - SLBrennanJenkins/tt-job-search

Hi Brennan,

It appears there is a typo in the code sample in Module 1, Unit 3. The slash needs removed from /search in the getPath function in the search template so the function should just return search.

Let me know if this resolves your problem and I apologize for the inconvenience.

