Is it possible to use an organization-owned repo for Pages?

I had a pages site with an individually owned repo, but I transferred ownership of it to an organization in Github, and now the platform is having trouble connecting to the repo. Is it possible to connect these two? My individual Github user has full ownership of the org.

Hi Michael,

Yes, it’s possible to use an org-owned repo for Pages. You’ll just have to authorize access to that org for Yext. You might have to create a new site to do this, but feel free to poke around in the existing site to see if you can get the following flow:

Follow the steps in the Initial Deploy training unit to create a site. After you click Next in step 2, a popup will allow you to sign on to your org. If you want to allow access to that org, click the green “Authorize” button.

Then in step 5, you’ll be able to select this org that you authorized, and then select the appropriate repo in step 6.

If the org you need to connect to was not shown in step 2, you can instead click the Connect more accounts link in the screenshot in step 7 to connect other orgs you have access to.