Module 13 - Answers Assessment/communitystory card

Hi team
I think my Preview is correct but, i am getting a “Add a new card called communitystory and update data mappings” error.

Attached a screenshot of the comuunitystory card with CTA1.
Can someone help me with this?

Hi @Nguyen_Thi_Thuy,

It looks like the error is related to the subtitle.

Navigate to the cards > communitystory > component.js file:

  • Update the Subtitle so that it is ‘In partnership with: ‘ and then a comma-delimited list of the Local Non Profits (c_localNonProfits). (hint: go back to the defining new cards unit and search for “List” to find the formatter that can help here.)

Let me know if this works!


Hi Melissa,
Thank you your support. It’s work.