Module 6 - Primary CTA in Banner

Hi all,
I’m working on this module and after I finish this part of the challenge, the primary CTA is hidden from view. Has anyone else experienced this?
*Map the ‘Primary CTA Text’ to ‘Primary CTA > Label’
*Map the ‘Primary CTA URL’ to ‘Primary CTA > Link’

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I’m actually experiencing the same issue with the FAQ portion of the challenge. I have not submitted either so I’m not sure if this will impact my pass/fail result, but I’m wondering if I’m doing something incorrectly to cause this.

I did submit pass but those elements were never showing. Maybe worth looking in to but no need to respond to me here, thanks!

Hi Ashlyn,

Thanks for raising this issue, we’re looking into it on our side and will update with our findings! Glad you were able to pass the challenge regardless.


Hi Ashlyn - letting you know that this issue has been resolved, you should be able to see the CTAs now in your experience.

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