Multi-Language Experience > Module 2 Challenge add pages

Hi @Hannah_Baurer!

Looks like there is a small change to be made in the data mapping for services on your multilang-restaurant card.

It is currently set to: services: [c_restaurantFeatures],
You’ll want to tweak that to: services: profile.c_restaurantFeatures,

Let me know if this works!

I’m finding similar problems. I believe I have gone through everything and ensured it’s correct, but I’m not passing the “Add the Restaurants Page ( and update the configuration”.

Sandbox account: 2659533

Hey @Jared_Hood!

Looks like you’ll just have to comment in the Facets component on the config page, and add the “Buscar” placeholder text that the challenge instructions mention. This would look like the following:


Hey Everyone,

I’m experiencing similar issues to the rest of the group. I’ve read through the prior posts and believe I’ve made all the called out fixes that the rest brought up.

My last remaining piece that seems to be missing is “Add the Restaurants Page ( and update the configuration”. I’ve checked the vertical key, I’ve made sure to remove the hbs file for es specifically, and made sure to remove verticalstoconfig as instructed.

Sandbox: 2676242

Hey @Khari_Williams,

It looks like your file currently has the Facet object outside of the componentSettings object. Facets should exist within component settings, so that change may do the trick!


Hey DJ,

That worked for me! Thanks!

I have followed all of these steps too and can not seem to get the following:

Add the Restaurants Page ( and update the configuration

Add the FAQs Page ( and update the configuration

Sandbox: 2683695

Hi Kristen,

Welcome to the Community! I’m happy to help troubleshoot your challenge.

Restaurants page - The error here is that vertical keys are case sensitive - they need to match exactly what you have for the backend search configuration. You’ll need to change the r to lowercase on line 2.

FAQs page - Again, the vertical keys must match exactly. The instance at the top of the file is correct, but the one in the verticalsToConfig object at the bottom is in Spanish. You’ll need to change this to faqs on line 66.

Let us know if this works for you!

Thank you! This worked!

Hi everyone,

I was hoping I could add on this thread to get some guidance on my challenge in Module 2. I am having a hard time finding out what’s wrong with those two points;

  1. Add the Restaurants vertical name and searchable fields to the Spanish configuration
  2. Add the Restaurants Page ( and update the configuration

Especially for number 2) I feel like I have tried everything mentioned here…e.g. double-checked the vertical key, deleted the objects inside “verticalsToConfig”, checked and “fixed” the underlined things in the Code, checked the name of the files, added placeholder text, put the Facet object inside the componentSettings… Could you please have a look?

My account ID is: 3176151

Many thanks,

I solved this now by restarting the challenge and doing every step again. :slight_smile:

Hello, Everyone!

I keep encountering the error message “Add the Restaurants Page ( and update the configuration.” I’ve reviewed posts from others experiencing a similar issue and attempted to apply all the provided feedback, but I’m still struggling to pinpoint the error. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

Additionally, if possible, could the expiration date for the challenge be extended? Thanks!

Hi @Vanessa_Marin,

Your challenge account has been extended. It looks like you need to update the verticalKey to "restaurants" instead of "restaurantes".

It should match the vertical key of restaurants vertical in your Spanish Search backend. The name of the vertical is “restaurantes” but the vertical key is “restaurants”. Hope this helps!

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Thank you! I was able to complete this challenge.