Pages Builder Field Mapper Missing Entries


I ran into some difficulty completing the Pages > Module 6 > Module Assessment that I think is related to a bug in Page Builder.

It came up for this bullet of step 1:

Map the ‘Paragraph’ parameter to the Description field.

When I search for “Description” in the field selector it returns 3 selectable options, but none of them are the correct field.

To get the right description field I have to scroll down and select it without searching.


Is this intended behavior? I think it’s potentially related to problems run into by these other community members:


I also ran into this on this module: Hitchhikers.

I was only able to map the Announcement Bar announcement text the “Delivery Disclaimer” field if I didn’t search for it.

Hi Ben,

Thanks for raising this issue! We’ll follow up with our engineering team and report back.

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Hi Ben,

This should now be resolved - can you confirm you can search for these top-level fields now?

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I can confirm it’s working for me now. Thanks Amani!