Pages - Module 8 Unit 1 Assessment

I am having an issue with the assessment at the end of unit 1. Can someone confirm that the scoring for this is working correctly? These are the values selected based on the module content:

I have tried submitting this multiple times with various answer combinations and it fails every time.


Similar situation, I’m not sure if I’m not following the question correctly or if this is a bug?

I read this as content being < a > a link is content, < p > paragraph is content, < h > Headline is content.

< div > Page structure, not content
< script > JS, could be content?
< style > css not content
< span > for phrasing content, not content
Classes and IDs - Not sure, Entity-Specific HTML
Fields from Knowledge Graph - Entity-Specific HTML

I’ve tried a number of different answer combo’s and still cannot get the answer.

If someone could either confirm this is an issue with the quiz itself or better explain the question, I would appreciate it.


Hi all,

The only content you cannot include in the ‘constant value’ option are fields from the Knowledge Graph. The rest are valid HTML constructs - the module does reference that you can add any valid HTML (including <script> and <style> tags, which are explicitly mentioned in the training), but we’ll make that a bit clearer!

Andy, I can see that the word content might have tripped you up, we’ll think of a way to word it that isn’t quite as confusing!


Hey Amani,

I tried that combination as an answer and it is still coming back incorrect. Can we confirm something is wrong with the grader?

Hi Jess - Classes and IDs are valid HTML.