Populating Events on Page Builder


I have a current pages client who is trying to populate events on their location pages via the Page Builder. They have two events in the KG, one which is a virtual event and should be appearing on all location pages and the second one that is tied to a location that should only be coming up on that specific location page alongside the virtual event.

We tried the ‘Upcoming Events’ module but that is populating both events on all pages. How can we go about doing it in the Page Builder so we can get the desired results?

Hey @Sarah_Bokhari I have a couple ideas for this:

  • You could use two “Three Column List” modules that ingest data either from a linked entity field or saved filter. This will allow you to dynamically show events in your template based on a saved filter criteria you have in the account or based on events that are linked to another entity. You would have to style this module to make it “events-y” since there is no out-of-the-box Events styling for that module.

  • If you had several events to show across a single template, you could also embed a single Answers vertical experience into the page that would allow the user to search and filter for those universal events. Since you only have two events, I wouldn’t recommend the approach for your use-case but it’s an option to keep in mind! You could pair that events search module with a linked entity page builder module to dynamically show any location-specific events.


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