Radius search for zipcode

On a locator is it possible to use the FilterSearch component to do a radius search on the “address.postalCode” field? The builtin.location staticFilter search is able to do the radius, but when I do it for the address.postalCode with the “staticFilter: true” it only does a text search

Hey Michael,

It should definitely be possible to use address.postalCode along with builtin.location in the FilterSearch component. Can you pass along your admin account and how you’re using the frontend component so we can help debug?



Account: https://www.yext.com/s/3852761/search/experiences/configuration/locator/verticals

                filterSearchContainer: "py-2 grow",
                inputElement: "text-base" }}
              placeholder="Find advisors near you"
                  entityType: "financialProfessional",
                  fieldApiName: "builtin.location",
                entityType: "financialProfessional",
                fieldApiName: "address.postalCode",

Hi Michael, your configuration looks correct. I noticed that in your Search config you have Text Search enabled for many fields, but are using a FilterSearch component.

Can you explain your frontend in more detail? Where are you testing this configuration and seeing Text Search being used?

The text search is being used for the c_zipCodes field, I enabled it on the other fields just to see if it worked for the radius stuff. If you think removing the text search on the address.postalCode field will help, I can do that