Replace shopify site search with answers

Hi all, has anyone ever replaced a shopify site search on a shopify site with answers? I have access to the site’s code editor and wanted to give it a try but I didn’t want to ruin anything as it is a real business site: any guidance on steps to take would be helpful!
Thanks, Mali

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Hi Mali,

The easiest way to get up and running with Shopify is to use the Answers Overlay.

  1. Go to sales channels > online stores > theme. Under “Layout”, select theme.liquid.
  2. In the theme.liquid file, find the opening <body> tag. Below that, place the Answers Overlay script with your domain. It should look close to this:

  1. Preview the site and verify that you can see the overlay!
  2. Locate the existing search button in the Shopify header and remove it – this is likely in header.liquid, but may differ depending on what theme you use.


  • If you don’t see the overlay options appearing, make sure you follow the “Additional Requirements” outlined here, Add Search Bar - Overlay Option | Hitchhikers
  • You may need to save your changes in Shopify in order to see the overlay added.

The overlay is a great place to get started quickly, but it will result in fewer clicks that a search bar integrated in the header. We’ll follow up with more in depth instructions on how to further customize Shopify to add a results page and integrate our search bar into the header!


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This is absolutely wonderful. Thank you @roser for your help!