In the Winter ‘21 Release, we added more visibility and control to your Listings publishers with the launch of Publisher Tabs and Publisher Detail Pages. With the Spring ‘22 Release, we are extending those same offerings to all publishers in our Knowledge Network, regardless of whether they support Listings or not.
This means that publishers who only support Reviews and Posting will now have their own Publisher Detail Page and appear on the Publishers Tab. It also means that in situations where a publisher supports Listings, but you have only purchased a Reviews or Posting subscription from that publisher, they will now have their own Publisher Detail Page and appear on the Publishers Tab. With key information gathered in one place for all publisher types, it will now be even more convenient to accomplish tasks like linking accounts or choosing Listings matches during onboarding.
Turn on the Spring '22: Reviews and Posting Publishers in Publishers Tab and Publisher Detail Pages (early access) account feature to use this feature during the Early Access period.