For reviews API calls with v parameter set to 20211011 and limit to 100 - I am able to access all the reviews (when there are more than 100 reviews in the response) by assigning the nextPageToken value from the previous call to pageToken parameter in the API call.
Initial call URL: https://api.yext.com/v2/accounts/me/reviews?api_key=<api_key>&v=20211011&minLastYextUpdateDate=2021-11-06&maxLastYextUpdateDate=2021-11-07&limit=100
Next Call: https://api.yext.com/v2/accounts/me/reviews?api_key=<api_key>&v=20211011&minLastYextUpdateDate=2021-11-06&maxLastYextUpdateDate=2021-11-07&limit=100&pageToken=<nextPageToken>
But, for the API calls with version v=20170601 I do not see the nextPageToken in response. Please help me on how to get all the reviews in this case (when the reviews are greater than 100).
Thanks & Regards,